Childhood obesity is becoming a large-scale problem around the world. The Healthy Wealthy Warriors wants to include children in our movement so that we can encourage them as much as possible to make healthy, informed choices. This is why we recommend the Juice Plus Children’s Health Study, a one million participant observational study on healthy eating for kids ,conducted around the world over several years.
The challenge:
- Adults and children live a more sedentary lifestyle and hence have decreased physical activity
- An Increased intake of energy-dense, highly processed food that are high in fat and sugar
- < 25% of children eat the recommended daily intake of vegetables
- Most children need the support to develop healthy habits and will copy the habits of those around them.
The Solution:
For every adult taking the Juice Plus supplements, a child of their choice is entitled to receive free supplements. All that is required is for the adult to cover the cost of postage and packing and also to complete an online questionnaire about any changes in that child’s eating habits or health throughout the study. The commitment is for one year, so three questionnaires will be sent out during that time and supplements are dispatched in four-month packages.